

Administrative and Academic Support Services units are required to engage in assessment activities to demonstrate continuous improvement of student success and university functions, whether directly or indirectly. Additionally, assessment provides evidence that each unit is supporting institutional-level strategic planning activities.

Unit Objective

To promote student awareness of academic and student services at the university.

Desired Outcome


The desired program outcome should identify how specific services and activities can be improved for the unit. 所有的结果都应该具体到单位, measurable to produce data, attainable for the unit, 与单位的使命和学校的使命相关, and time-bounded to indicate the timeframe for data collection and analysis.


Students will be able to demonstrate what they have learned from residence life/hall programs related to academic and student services.

University Goal(s): Goal 1

Assessment Method

你会采取什么步骤来评估预期的结果? 你如何确定你已经达到精通?

The assessment method explains how the desired outcome will be measured for success. The established assessment method must relate to the desired outcome. Also, there should be at least two 衡量单个期望结果的方法. Using multiple measures allows for triangulation of the data to strengthen the validity of your results.


Assessment Method #1

Students will complete a questionnaire to identify available academic and student services at the university.


Criteria for success

What will be used to determine student success based on the outcome and assessment method?


Eighty-five percent of the students residing in residence halls will receive an average rating of 90 or better when completing the questionnaire.


What did the data say? 你的数据收集和分析的结果是什么? The results can be written with a simple statement by providing the actual results.


The criteria was not met. The students who completed and returned the questionnaire received an average rating of 75.

注意:提供结果的文档. The data should be reported in aggregate form with identifying information redacted.

Use of Results

根据这些数据采取了什么行动? What was done to improve student learning as a result of your findings?


Residence hall directors from all of the dorms met and decided that resident assistants will be required to implement more programming for students in the residence halls. The resident assistants will develop a fall and spring schedule of learning activities for their assigned floor to deliver programs about available academic and student services that are available on campus.


Follow-up to Actions Taken

As a result of the actions that were implemented were services improved?


After adding additional programs for the academic year, this outcome was not met. Resident assistants did implement monthly programming, but many reported low attendance. 在下学期开始之前, residence hall directors and assistants will attend a retreat to develop marketing materials, design programs, 并学会计划住宿生活活动.

Attach documentation of your findings.

Assessment Method #2

Students will complete a satisfaction survey on residence hall programming.


Criteria for success

What will be used to determine student success based on the outcome and assessment method procedures?


Eighty-five percent of the students who are present at the various programs will express (an average of 4 out of 5 on the Likert scale) that they gained new knowledge from attending residence hall programs.


What did the data say? 你的数据收集和分析的结果是什么? The results can be written with a simple statement by providing the actual results.


The criteria was met. Ninety percent of students who completed the survey on average expressed that they gained new knowledge from attending resident hall programs.

注意:提供结果的文档. The data should be reported in aggregate form with identifying information redacted.

Use of Results

根据这些数据采取了什么行动? What was done to improve student learning as a result of your findings?


因为这一结果一直得到满足, residence hall directors will develop a new outcome for the upcoming academic year.

Follow-up to Actions Taken

Was student learning improved as a result of the implemented actions?


此时不需要采取后续行动. 将为即将到来的学年制定新的结果.

重要提示:如果没有文档,那么它 never happened.