From Basic to Boss: How to Dress Business Professional

作者:凯图拉·穆迪(职业服务’ Social Media Analyst Intern)

为工作着装, 面试, internship or networking event can be a difficult task, especially when one wants to remain fashionable. Many people have the misconception that their personal style has to go out the window. Gone are the days where dressing business professional means you have to look plain or boring. Dressing in professional attire goes beyond any article of clothing. It is about feeling confident in what you wear and projecting a certain image to potential bosses and coworkers.

There is a standard one has to reach when dressing for the business world. Many jobs require a certain dress code so when building a professional wardrobe, it is best to begin with the basics. 遵守办公室礼仪. Some businesses are more conservative than others so you may not have much wiggle room to spice it up. 如果允许穿牛仔裤, then wear nice jeans (a darker wash is better than light) ones without holes or frays. It is important to have at least one 黑色的 blazer and white button down shirt in the closet, these are classic business wear items if all else fails. 男女皆宜. The easiest and most widely accepted attire is a suit. It would be wise to invest in a variety colors, preferably dark colors such as navy, 黑色的, 勃艮第, 等. Ladies should also invest in simple knee length pencil skirts or dresses appropriate for the office (Cocktail dresses or “Party” dresses are not considered appropriate in this setting). This way one won’t be limited to pants during the hotter months.

Patterns and colors are where one can start adding a little more personality into their business wardrobe. To add some pop to any office setting, 格子等图案, 分布范围, 圆点花纹, 等等都很有趣. Splashes of color are also something becoming more acceptable in the workplace. For example: an all 黑色的 suit paired with a bold colored blouse or button down shirt to break it up can make wearing business professional so much more aesthetically pleasing. Khaki, twill, and corduroy are good fabric choices for business. It is typically best to stay away from denim and heavy cotton materials unless aiming for business casual. Try to avoid synthetic fabrics like rayon and polyester blends which lack quality and can wrinkle. Make sure clothes are clean, pressed, and wrinkle-free, one doesn’t want to be perceived as unkempt.

Accessorizing should be kept simple but this doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. A wristwatch is the most common accessory in the business world as it is also considered handy. 改变一下, 可以加一个胸针, 有图案的领带, and other small items that set your outfit apart from your coworkers. A safe choice for shoes is closed-toed pumps in a color that compliments your outfit. Classic 黑色的 pumps are perfect because they come in handy after hours as well. One can wear them on a night out or with a pair of denim jeans too. Any pieces you can make versatile are must-haves. It is safe for men to have a pair of shined dress shoes free of any scuff marks. These are also versatile because one can wear them to many other events outside of the office. They are a staple in any man’s closet.

As stated above, It is about feeling confident in what you wear. When you look good, you feel good and this should apply to the work world as well. Demonstrating that you care about your personal appearance communicates that you want to be at your job, 面试, 等. Paying attention to the details of your appearance sends a message to others that you will also pay close attention to business details, and the needs of your customers and clients. So when hesitating to add a little more flare to your everyday work attire, remember that you don’t have to be basic, 当老板.