A student who wishes to apply for the Robert Noyce Scholarship “Be Brave, Teach STEM” must satisfy the following criteria:

  • 是pg电子下载的全日制学生吗.
  • 是U.S. 公民、国民或永久居民.
  • 本科是STEM学科专业.
  • is a junior or senior at the start of the scholarship award.
  • 他的平均绩点是3分.数学和科学成绩为0分或更好.
  • completes an interview with the Robert Noyce Scholarship Advisory 领导 committee.
  • 完成pg电子下载诺伊斯奖学金协议.
  • pursue a STEM degree leading to teaching certification in mathematics or science at pg电子下载.
  • be willing to teach in a high-need school district in Mississippi.


Enroll full-time at pg电子游戏试玩 in a program of study leading to a Class “A” teacher license in a STEM Area. Successful completion of the requirements for the Pre-Noyce Scholars program.

GPA 3.0 or Score 21 or higher on the ACT during a national test taken prior to enrollment into the education program.

3分.0 cumulative high school GPA if an entering freshman or 2.75 cumulative college GPA if a continuing college student for initial eligibility, and earn a 3.0 cumulative GPA each term of enrollment to maintain eligibility.


Noyce Scholarship awards up to $10,000 per year for a maximum of 2 years (4 semesters).



The loan repayment obligation can be discharged on the basis of two (2) years of service for any amount of loan received each academic year. Teaching service is defined as being employed as a contracted full-time licensed classroom teacher in a Mississippi public high need school district.